- [2021-11-25] [教学成果] 2-10 Adnan Safi. Does environmental taxes achieve the carbon neutrality target of G7 economies Evaluating the importance of environmental R&D
- [2021-11-25] [教学成果] 2-9 Adnan Safi. CEO overconfidence, firm-specific factors, and systemic risk evidence from China
- [2021-11-25] [教学成果] 2-8 Sun Tingting. How does trade policy uncertainty affect agriculture commodity prices
- [2021-11-25] [教学成果] 2-7 Sun Tingting. How do economic fluctuations affect the mortality of infectious diseases
- [2021-11-25] [教学成果] 2-6 Wang Qiusu. Can Health Human Capital Help the Sub-Saharan Africa Out of the Poverty Trap An ARDL Model Approach
- [2021-11-25] [教学成果] 2-5 Wang Qiusu. Can fiscal decentralisation regulate the impact of industrial structure on energy efficiency
- [2021-11-25] [教学成果] 2-4 Adnan Safi. Business strategy, market power, and stock price crash risk:Evidence from China
- [2021-11-25] [教学成果] 2-3 Sun Tingting. Are Agricultural Commodity Prices on a Conventional Wisdom with Inflation
- [2021-11-25] [教学成果] 2-2 Liu Shiqi.Financial Stability or Instability Impact from Chinese Consumer Confidence
- [2021-11-25] [教学成果] 2-1 Wang Enze.Dynamic spillovers and connectedness between oil returns and policy uncertainty